Our school vision is ‘Learning together inside and outside the classroom'. Every child is valued as an individual within our small school and all children have a broad range of opportunities in the learning we provide.
How are Special Educational Needs defined?
Children with Special Educational Needs are children who have significantly greater difficulty learning than other children or a disability which means they need different facilities to other children.
These children may have SEN Support and have a ‘My Plan’ or My Plan +’. Children with a high level of need will have an Education, Health and Care plan.
Children who require SEN Support may have a ‘My Plan’. This means they need a targeted approach in addition to what is provided for all children in school. Some children who require SEN Support will have a ‘My Plan +’. This means that an assessment has been completed to assess what support they may need from other agencies.
A few children may need an Education, Health and Care plan. These children have a high level of need.
What can I expect if I send my child to Isbourne Valley School?
Your child will have access to a broad and balanced curriculum with adaptation and support if needed. This applies to children with Special Educational Needs and children who have additional needs.
How do we organise support for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities?
The class teachers work with the Inclusion Lead to organise support for the children. This may include individual or small group interventions, in class support or special equipment. For some children, support will be based on input from other agencies as well as the school (eg a Speech and Language therapist).
What happens if my child has a high level of need?
We would work with other agencies and parents to provide support according to the needs identified on the child’s Education, Health and Care plan. This may include working with pre-school settings to plan transition.
Who offers support for children with SEN?
Support is organised by the class teacher and may be provided by the class teacher, other teachers, teaching assistants and volunteer helpers.
How do we assess children with SEN and monitor their progress?
We track the progress of all children using the school tracker. We track progress in English and Maths. We also carry out in-class assessments. If relevant, we may assess children for dyslexic tendencies.
The children’s progress is monitored by the Headteacher and class teacher along with the progress of all pupils. In addition to this the Inclusion Lead checks progress on the tracker and discusses progress towards outcomes with the class teacher.
What would my child expect to receive if they are in receipt of Free School Meals, in a service family or are in local authority care?
All schools receive additional funding for students in the above three categories. This is called pupil premium. This funding is issued to try to help students reach their full potential. For children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities this may be used to help students to narrow their learning gaps and input intervention to overcome any learning barriers. As most pupils who qualify for pupil premium do not have SEN we may spend it other ways that benefit the children in school. See list of interventions/support we offer paid for by this funding in Pupil Premium section of our website.
What is the Local Offer?
The local offer is information for parents/carers of children who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities and all those who support children with additional needs. This includes information outlining the support and provision they can expect to receive if they choose Isbourne Valley School for their children.
The documents below set out detailed information on the provisions for children.