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Avon Class

Welcome to Avon Class!


Avon Class is Year 1 and Year 2 children. Mrs Warner and Miss Peart are the class teachers and we also have Mrs Pangbourne, Miss Townsend, Miss Green and Mrs Teague supporting us. 


Mrs Warner teaches on Mondays and Tuesdays.  Miss Peart teaches on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.


We have P.E on a Thursday and Friday but we need to have our PE kit in school at all times as sometimes we need it on other days.


We have Forest School on a Thursday afternoon.


On Monday, our decodable reading books are changed.


On Friday, our spellings are set and checked the following week.  At the beginning of each term, a maths home learning booklet is given out.  It is handed in and celebrated at the end of each term.


For any questions or concerns please email


New to Avon
