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Please support your child by encouraging them to read three times per week and discuss the content of their reading with them: this can be anything from stories to newspapers to magazines!



Maths homework will be set half termly as a booklet. This will including a marking page to support if children become stuck. We will celebrate this homework at the end of each half term. If your child is stuck or would like extra support then please let your class teacher know and they will be happy to support.


Please also continue to help your child(ren) learn all multiplication and division facts to 12 x 12 if they do not already know them - short daily sessions will have the most impact. TT Rockstars is great for practising times tables! This knowledge is key to helping them understand more difficult mathematical concepts in Years 5 and 6.



Weekly spellings are set each Friday and tested the following Friday.



Weekly SPAG work is set each Friday and self marks as part of the Quiz shed/Spelling Shed program.
