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Our Day

School starts in the morning at 8.50am.  We request that children are not brought into school before 8.40am.  The staff are not on duty in the playground before 8.40am or after school so you will need to supervise your own children at these times.  Children can go straight into their classrooms when they arrive in the morning.  There are members of staff at the gates and the teachers are in the classrooms.


Registers are taken at 8.50am. After 8.50am pupils need to use the main entrance and parents or carers will need to sign the late book.


If you have a message you need to pass to your child's teacher, please speak to the member of staff at the gate who will pass it on to the class teacher. Teachers are usually available for a quick chat at the end of the day.


Assembly is held in the school hall every day at 1.00pm except Tuesdays, when classes spend time individually.  On Friday mornings we enjoy our celebration assembly where children share their achievements both in and out of school.


Children have a morning playtime at 10.20am when they have a drink and snack.


The children have lunch together in the hall at 12.00pm then enjoy a playtime outside. The children sit in mixed age groups to have their lunch.


The afternoon session starts at 1.00pm.


Infants also have a playtime during the afternoon.


School finishes at 3.15pm. Teachers bring the children out at the end of the day.  Children in Reception leave school through the gate at the back of the school and Years 1,2,3 and 4 leave through the hall.  Years 5 and 6 leave from their classroom.  Please wait for your child on the path at the back of the school outside the gate or in the playground outside the hall doors.  Please let the school staff and your child know in advance if someone else is collecting them (we will not be able to release your child unless we have been informed).



